More Online Retail Searches Likely Means More Same-Day Delivery

Technology has affected has consumers shop online. It is no longer taking shoppers time at their home desktop to find good deals. They can easily be at the store register and find just the right discount to save money. This is just one benefit that technology has brought to customers and the latest online retail searches shows it.
Internet Retailer recently reported that 56% of online retail searches are made via smartphone or tablet, according to a study from web measurement firm Hitwise, a division of Connexity Incorporated. The study included hundreds of thousands online search queries across 3.5 million smartphones and tablets between April 10th and May 7th of earlier this year. The searches were made by consumers based in the US, UK and Australia. The article mentioned that with Hitwise, Smartphones and tablets are considered to be mobile devices.
Hitwise looked at the specific keywords that retail consumers used for their search. The study found that 82% of them used the words "24 hours" for their searches from mobile devices. Other top searches consisted of keywords like "where to buy...", which was 84%, "near me" at 79% and "hours" was used at 79% mobile. The results show that speed and convenience are huge factors regarding online retail. It makes sense, especially as now more retailers seek to offer value-added online services like Same-Day Delivery to attract shoppers to their sites.
The study confirmed how mobile devices are being used more to find discounts and deals. Of all the retail searches that mentioned the words “coupon,” “return policy” and “price match”, 77% of them were made from mobile devices. 73% of searches with the words “sale” and 68% of “discount” searches are made on a mobile device also. Yet, the study showed that 59% of searches that include “promo code” are made on a desktop. Therefore, for in depth searches for promo codes that may require time, the desktop still slightly ahead of smartphones and tablets.
Hitwise senior research and marketing analyst John Fetto talked about how online retail searches is aiding shoppers, even at checkout. He stated “Especially for traditional brick-and-mortar establishments, the smartphone has become an indispensable shopping tool providing consumers—sometimes within feet of a register—with information or offers that could seal or jeopardize a transaction". No one expected technology to impact online retail as it has, and it is dictating what retailers are doing to capture immediate sales.
The increase in online retail searches leads to as fast purchasing online, as well as fast delivery of those items. Many retailers and companies are partnering with a Same-Day Courier like A-1 Express meet the service demand that shoppers want. The Charlotte Courier has a national footprint and the courier expertise to develop the delivery solutions retailers need, especially as the holiday season approaches. When a retailer can offer same-day delivery and store pick up services, they can capture the market segment of the shoppers that want the deal they found delivered to their front door.
Reference: 7.26.16,, April Berthene, 56% of online retail searches take place on mobile devices